A very relaxing massage using long flowing strokes and kneading.
A massage customized to target stress-points in the body. This treatment combines acupressure and Swedish techniques as well as stretching and counter pressure. GREAT FOR GOLFERS!
A massage that consists of acupressure and stretching. This treatment can be done on a massage table or on a mat on the floor. For a more intensive treatment, feet as well as hands are used to apply deeper pressure. As with all treatments, the level of pressure used is customized to suit your preference. Wonderful to stimulate blood flow and deep muscle release.
Just what it says. This treatment is fully geared for specific problem areas. Though the whole body will be treated, the emphasis will be in the area of complaint. The amount of pressure is intense; however, as in all treatments, the level of pressure is customized for you.
Everyone's favorite! This massage is a combination of the above techniques customized to your needs. It combines the relaxation of Swedish with the therapeutic benefits of acupressure, sports, and stretching.
This treatment is for people who want the benefits of massage without even undressing. The focus is on the reflexology points in the hands and feet and the acupressure points along the head and face. A very relaxing treatment.
A deeply relaxing treatment in which you are massaged with heated stones.